Fitness Analytics
This report is based on Trainee X’s training data using the Smar4Fit Gym application.
S4F analytics data processing implemented advanced analytical methods with algorithms to make advanced analyzes on the basis of which a report is generated. The report reflects in detail and
qualitatively trainee’s performance.
The subjects of analysis are:
– the performance of the phases of one particular training (The Phase Analysis).
All phases have the same exercise structure. In this report, for each of the phases there are parameters:
Max HR, Average HR, HR Range, Resting Ability and Player Load.
– the performance of one particular exercise, with repetitions during that exercise (The Exercise Analysis)
The name of a specific exercise is “Alternative Toe Touches”.
The performance of exercise (The Exercise Performance) consists of repetitions (each repetition is a specific movement or action characteristic for that exercise. With our algorithm, we found that the performance of the exercise was with repetitions in continuity, but with small logical physiological pauses. These pauses separate the whole exercise performance into sections with repetitions (Repetitions Sections, Reps Sections). Every repetitions section has its own dynamics and parameters.
Parameters we track:
* Number of repetitions (no. of reps)
* length – time duration of repetition section
* Mean Acc – the average magnitude acceleration in repetition section
– the exercise performances comparison, comparing the performance of the same exercise but from 2 different exercise performances.